23 April 2011

Rest in Peace....

Specialist Donald Nichols was laid to rest today in my home town.  The 21 year old Scout with the 1/133rd Infantry, Iowa Army National Guard, was killed by an IED in Afghanistan last week. 

Rest in Peace.

Stay safe.


  1. WOW.
    THANK YOU for posting this!

    Common Cents

  2. commoncents - it's pretty sad that you post your generic comments on the popular blogs with the sole intent of getting a link. I could post a picture of a turd and I'd get an "awesome! Thanks for writing this. Link exchange?". But to do so on a post about a young man who gave his life for his country is just low.

    If you're going to comment at least READ the post and say something that relates to it.

    This young man deserves our highest regard, nothing less.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.