28 July 2011

I want to....

I want to say something, to write something, but I think it's all been said before.

I think all of the debt ceiling crap going on in D.C. is a charade.  I doubt that anyone that comes here to this blog would disagree or be surprised by that statement.

I think that obama, Clinton, Holder, Newell, Janet II, et al are criminals and I hope they get their due.  I hope they end up in prison.  Not a fancy or special prison built just for the elite.  General population in some shithole.  With a bunch of illegals.  Each one gets to share a 6 x 10 cell with an illegal.

I sense that a lot of the "hope and change" crowd are becoming disillusioned.  obama's support base is shrinking.  I wonder how he's going to respond to that?  I suspect it will be childish.  I suspect it'll be dangerous.

I think the entire political class, with a few exceptions, needs to go away and that we need to start over.

I think that Liberals suck.  They have created an alternate reality in which to live.  The part that really chaps my ass is that they don't even like me yet they want to force me to live in their world.  They can piss up a rope.

Ah well.  I must be tired.  I'm obviously not thinking clearly.

Stay safe.


  1. I think that obama, Clinton, Holder, Newell, Janet II, et al are criminals and I hope they get their due. I hope they end up in prison. Not a fancy or special prison built just for the elite. General population in some shithole. With a bunch of illegals. Each one gets to share a 6 x 10 cell with an illegal.

    Smiling ear to ear!:)

  2. Au contraire mon frere - you're thinking very clearly...

  3. Criminals,yep! Karma yeah Brock's got it Gen Pop at say Rikers island!Uhh good evening Rafael,hey Carlos what um what are you guys doing in here?Liberals do Suck! No man it all seems pretty clear to me!


  4. The Republicans have, at least, made an effort to change the direction of government. Democrats and Obama have done everything possible to keep the fail going.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.