29 July 2011

Lets see...

The checking account is overdrawn, there is nothing in savings, and you're maxed out on all of your credit cards.

You owe more than you earn.  You can't afford groceries for your kids.  You're behind on your mortgage payments.  Your car is being reposessed.

What do you do?

Raise the limits on your credit cards?

Get more credit cards with higher limits?

How long can you do that?  At some point you have to become responsible and start paying what you owe.

But you still want to live high on the hog....

What do you do?  What do you do?

Tough question, huh?

Stay safe.


  1. He's gotta crush this country so he can be the first Marxist president for life.

  2. I wonder who has the stronger will, America, or obama?

  3. Sorry, if your like most people in this country you file bankruptcy. The question is do you file under 11 or 13?

    11: get the courts to screwover your creditors (get them to except 10 cents on the dollar), and start running up the dept again. Or....
    13: court order restructuring/ payment plan. Stop incurring new dept. Accept a crappy credit score. Cut up the credit-cards, and start living with in your means. This means no new Lexus everyyear. No McMansions. Maybe start shopping at WallyWorld.

    We need to accept the pain and get through it, and move on. We've become such pussies as a country that we don't want to take the consequences of our largesse.

    The next person I hear complaining about our national credit rating might get down graded and the Fed might raise interest rates is going to get bitchslaped.

    If certain institutions hadn't kept things low so as to make things appear better than they are maybe we wouldn't have aloud things to get so out of hand.

    We can yell at congress and our government, but they are us, and we haven't done so great ourselves.


    P.s. Sorry that was a little ranty.

  4. You're absolutely right, Josh. We have to take the pain and learn to live within our means.

    Rants are good! Rant on. :)

  5. Not if you are a Politician.You just jack up the Debt ceiling.Oh yeah we got yo money.


  6. China, they are a bunch of criminals bankrupting the producers to patronize the entitlement class.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.