22 July 2011

A thought....

They won't admit that they were wrong until the entire country has been completely destroyed by their saviour and his disciples.  Perhaps they are too arrogant to admit it even then.  After all, it's not like them to accept any form of responsibility.

I will get pleasure from their looks of surprise as they are shackled and enslaved on the orders of the one they elected to give them all that they wanted.  I will laugh at them when they realize that they betrayed their country, their humanity, their children, for him, and when he, in turn, betrays them.  Only then will they perhaps realize that everything has a price, and that price can be very high.

he doesn't care about you.   

You can't fix stupid.

Stupid fuckers.


Stay safe.


  1. Surprised they will be!


  2. They won't admit that they were wrong until the entire country has been completely destroyed by their saviour and his disciples.
    Check out my latest evidently. "Our Savior" threw a temper tantrum on TV, not that I would know, since I refuse to look at his repulsive self.

  3. As fictional characters go, I think John Galt had it right.



Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.