12 August 2011

Guns and grenades and explosives, oh my....

A 21-year-old man from Uzbekistan living in Alabama sought assistance to kill President Barack Obama, either by shooting him or potentially using explosives for a suicide attack, according to a government affidavit.

Ulugbek Kodirov was indicted Tuesday and charged with threatening to kill the president.
His court-appointed attorney Lance Bell said he intended to enter a not guilty plea at arraignment.
Kodirov faces four counts of threatening the president and other weapons charges -- including possessing grenades and an M15 machine gun, the Justice Department said.

Click the link above and read it all.

I'm not familiar with an M15 machine gun.  Anyone know what it is? 

Anyway, I'm glad he got caught.  The last thing we need is an assassination (or attempted assassination) and the subsequent martyrdom of the one.  That situation, had it occured, would have been forcefully and incorrectly blamed on the "right wing nutjobs" in a heartbeat. 

He may have been a supporter of radical islam, but he wasn't a terrorist.  That designation is apparently reserved for those "right wing nutjobs" who disagree with or take issue with the current administration.

Liberals, including violent, radical Liberals are the new normal.  Remember that :)

Stay safe.


  1. That designation is apparently reserved for those "right wing nutjobs" who disagree with or take issue with the current administration.


  2. I believe M-15 is Armalites AR-15 so Sorry NOT a machine or even Sub machine gun! But it does make it sound so scary,don't it

    For Gods sake at this point we need to Protect Obama!

    Extremist foreign born person performing acts of terror! Terrorist American who doesn't agree with Govt in all things,who is independent,does not perform acts of terror! Strange days Indeed!


  3. Brock.... Makes sense, eh?

    China.... up is down and down is up. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.