02 August 2011

Is it the end....?

Semi-random thoughts from a simple minded man:

Will August 2, 2011 be written about in future history books as the day America died?

Will future historians write that she gave a valiant effort, that she fought the good fight, but finally succumed to a culture of corruption?  Or will they be honest and say that there was no valiant effort, no good fight?

Will they write that the culture of corruption permeated all of American society?  Entitlement society.  That the members of this society didn't care enough about it to preserve it and that they let the few piss it all away for the many?

Will they write that Americans were fat and lazy and had the attitude that "If it doesn't affect me directly, I don't care what laws are passed"?  The attitude of "I don't care what liberties you trample as long as you don't bother me?  I just wanna watch football and drink beer."?

Will they write that the once proud nation that was previously able to realize any dream became a nation of slack jawed pussies?  A nation of cowards too lazy to speak up?  A nation that could accomplish nothing?

Will they mention that the Liberals just wanted to "make it fair" for those who had no need or desire to support themselves?  

"Fair", in my opinion, is the most subjective word in all of our language,  A misused and almost worthless word.   A word shamelessly abused by anyone who expects to get something for nothing.

The Conservatives haven't been much better.  They lie, too.  And cheat.  I hate liars and cheaters.  They take care of their "own" at the expense of others.

America was ripe for the pickin'.  Half the country was on the dole.  All they wanted was their gubbmint check.  Each and every month.  What did they expect would happen?  Why didn't the producers rise up and say enough is enough?  Why didn't they stop it when there was still a chance?

America taught her children that work was for fools.   Morality and ethics were situational.  Everyone deserves a flat screen TV and a huge house.

Will they write that America had the greatest education system in the world at one time and that, over a period of 40 years or so, it became one of the worst?  Will they say that it was part of the plan all along?  Part of the plan to take over America?  The most important part of the plan?  By God, they were successful at that!  They created a nation of stupid fools in barely 2 generations.

Will they mention that America was involved in several major wars in the last 50 years of her existance but she didn't have the will to win them?  She sent her sons and daughters to fight and die but couldn't get past Political Correctness, and therefore couldn't win.  Winning is a no-no amongst the politically correct.  Creating winners creates losers and that causes feelings to be hurt.  Can't have that.  Better to have dead sons and daughters.

Will they say that Americans should have seen it coming but did nothing to prevent it?  Will they wonder why?

Will they write that America got what she deserved?

Stay safe.


  1. Perhaps events will unfold as you say. Perhaps not. Time will tell, but I fear the great experiment that has lasted over 235 years is done. Just for the reasons you point out.

  2. Keads.... I just can't see any way that this is going to end well. Sad.

  3. I think 2012 is worth fighting for.

  4. I think they will say exactly what you wrote.

  5. Adrienne.... unless we change the way we're headed. Keep smiling!

  6. Wirecutter.... yep, forever.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.