15 August 2011

Random opinions on political things....

Rant on.

I think that most politicians are the same.  I think that most will do whatever is necessary to perpetuate their time in office.  They will lie, cheat, and steal to stay in office and collect their salary and benefits.  They've got a good thing going.   They will do anything to retain their entitlement status.

I can't believe that people are stupid enough to believe their spin.  Is it because they don't want to admit that they are being lied to?

I'm not sure I believe anything any of them say anymore.

It says something about our society when people still love someone like Bill Clinton.  He is ethically challenged.  He's a moral cripple.  What does that say about his supporters?

I think it's reasonable to expect that politicians, especially the President, be held to a higher standard.  I think that they should dress and act like they are representing the United States of America.  We are unwilling to demand that. 

It is my opinion that every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and every member of the U.S. Senate are aiding and abetting a criminal in the White House by not doing whatever is necessary to force the Supreme Court to decide whether or not obama meets the definition of a Natural Born Citizen.  I don't care where he was born.  That doesn't really matter.  The fact is that his father was a citizen of Kenya which means that obama held dual British-American citizenship for at least part of his life.  This fact alone should give any normal person cause to question whether or not the man could be unquestionably 100% loyal to the United States of America 100% of the time and to properly carry out the constitutional duties of the POTUS. 

He is not qualified to hold the office.  They all know it.

All Representatives and Senators are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  They aren't doing it.  They have failed us.  Every one of them.  And we will reelect most of them.  What are they afraid of?  They are all criminals.  Why do we set our standards so low?

I am not a proponent of raising taxes but I have to ask: Why do you suppose that the congress won't let the Bush tax cuts expire?  Why do you suppose they won't raise taxes on "wealthy Americans" making over $250,000 a year?   Could it be, perhaps, because almost all members of congress would see a personal tax increase?  Most of them make over $250,000 a year.  How 'bout we change the tax code so that everyone that earns an income pays a little something?  As it stands today, 50% of those required to file a Federal 1040 pay nothing.  40% get back more than they put in.  Does it amount to much?  Probably not, in the grand scheme of things, but it gives those who pay taxes some ownership.  Yeah, I know, everyone pays sales tax.  If everyone were required to pay something, some would have to choose between their drug life and buying milk for their kids.  Cry me a fucking river.

Is the above mini tax rant 100% accurate?  Of course not, it's a rant.  I'm pissed so I rant.  Does the average middle class American pay a little over half of all monies earned to federal, state, and local governments in some form of tax each and every year?  Absolutely.  Do those governments then in turn trample your rights and regulate every single thing you do?  Are they oppressive?  Will they seize the house you paid for over 30 years because you don't have the $600 you need to pay your property taxes?  Will the police, whose services you pay for through taxes, beat you to death or shoot you if you don't absolutely toe the line with them?  I think we all know the answer to that. 

How did we get so fucked up?  Politicians stealing from one group to give to another group in order to garner votes.   It all comes back to the politicians, doesn't it?  Or does it come back to those who elect those politicians then allow them to steal from us and oppress us?

I still contend that we have been too busy amusing ourselves with things to pay attention to what's going on with the politicians we elect to represent us in government.  Really, who do we have to blame but ourselves?

The political system that we have today is incapable of correcting itself.  It is broken.  The people and the politicians are hopelessly divided.  The current politicians are too filled with self interest and greed and the love of power to allow any correction.  We need a third political party that will defeat the status quo and abide strictly by the Constitution.  It took a long time to get where we are today and to peacefully reclaim our society will take a long time.  I believe that our form of government is the right form of government.  It needs to be repaired.  Our apathy needs to disappear.  We need to get involved again.  Special interests need to go away.  The government needs to listen to the people.  The only way they will do that is if we force them to do our will.  The people need to become educated again.  (Do you seriously believe that the decline in our education system is accidental?)  The people need to understand that if they fail to participate, we get something similar to what we have now.  This is our fault.  We allowed it to happen.  No one else is to blame.  We stopped paying attention to what our children were being taught in school a long time ago.  We allowed the "progressives" to dismantle those things that made America America.  We are going to pay dearly for our laziness.

Rant off, for now :)

Stay safe.


  1. Well said and as I mentioned yesterday and previously, I see no way out of this but secession by different sections of the country. We are way further apart than in '61 and we need to return to our being citizens of our respective states and then watch everyone from the town councils on up with an eagle eye.

  2. "...we need to return to our being citizens of our respective states and then watch everyone from the town councils on up with an eagle eye."


    Amen. Amen.

  3. Bravo! Blue that echoes my sentiments exactly.Matter of fact you could of went much deeper but..

    It will take something BIG to change the sorry state we are in!

    The next election changes nothing.

    Why haven't the Politically correct politicians challenged Obummers right to be President?

    Yes indeed LEO's,Judges,Preachers or other Religious leaders,Politicians should be held to high or higher standards!
    Just my .02 cents worth.


  4. While what the 40% who get back more than they pay in may not seem like much, my tax contribution they keep is obliterated by them.

    We had a friend who got back more than they put in. It almost matched what the feds kept from me. Effectively there is zero revenue collected from me for anything worthwhile because my former friend absorbed all of it (more actually because it needed to be processed).

    Year in year out.

  5. McThag.... I have an employee with a wife and 3 kids. He made a bit over $46,000 last year. He puts the max into his 401(k) and qualifies for zero Federal witholding. At the end of the year he gets over $6200 back. Remember, he paid nothing in because he puts back the max for his retirement. We are subsidizing his retirement while he works. That is bullshit. He knows it but still takes the "free government money". Like I said, BULLSHIT!


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.