14 September 2011

New (to me) website....

David P. in SC sent me this link this morning.  Sweet.  I'm probably the last person on earth to come across this blog.  Figures, eh?

Stay safe.


  1. Well, no: you're not the last to find it. I am.
    I went to the 'attack watch' site and tried to join, but it rejected my SN and zip, so I guess they don't want me to tell them how much I dislike the Cunt-In-Charge.
    Sorry, Blue- didn't mean to dis you as being the last to know, but fax is fax, my Friend.
    Shy III

  2. shy.... well, WE were the last to know :)

    I like it!


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.