11 October 2011

An excellent post....

An excellent post over at Atlas Shrugs.  Read it here.  Read the comments.

obama, Holder, Clinton, Jarret, Janet II....  They are all complicit.  Every Senator and Congressman who ignores this is complicit.  They're criminals.  Fire them?  Impeach them?  Yes, of course, then indict them and put them on trial.  These people represent the United States of America.  They are the face of America to the world.  We elected them to represent us.  They are not representing us at all.

Damn!  That had to hurt.  Bet he won't do it again...

Do the Occupy Wall Street people realize that they look and act like a bunch of morons?  Who do you suppose really organized this?  I don't think anyone that I've seen there at the "protest" is smart enough to organize anything.  Someone has to be behind it. 

This foreplay is getting old.

God, I'm tired.

Stay safe.


  1. I've followed this since December 28th and remember seeing something about this 2009 deal, but didn't see "Gunwalker" actually mentioned by name unless I missed it. Good one and posted.

  2. Issa is a pit bull and Holder made the stupid mistake of trying to kick him. Now Issa has Holder by the ankle and he will not let go.

  3. Brock.... State is involved, too, ya know. And obama's puppetmaster Jarrett.

    Jim.... I hope Issa and Grassley take this all the way to it's rightful conclusion. No deals. Burn 'em....


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.