05 October 2011

I hear it. It's coming....

Stay safe.


  1. That album is on the iPod that plugs into my truck's stereo system.

    I actually spoke with Mr. Cash once. My "departed the fix" hubby was an ag pilot but had some banner tow equipment that came with one of the airplanes we bought. He put it out there that he could tow a banner and Mr. Cash called the farm house one night to set up a job where we towed a banner over Lowe's Theater in Branson where he was playing.

    I took the call, first thinking it was a prank. He was absolutely the nicest man in the world. We did the job, were paid promptly and got a nice thank you note that he signed. I cried pretty hard when I heard he had left us.

  2. B... My folks were big Johnny Cash fans so I grew up listening to his music. He was always on the "concole" stereo at home. I have all of my folks' old vinyl. Someday I'm going to have to go through it all to see what's there. My wife and I saw him in concert once at our local fair. Long time ago. :)

  3. concole? oops! console. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.