13 October 2011

It's never too early...

It's never too early to make plans.  Many times, it's foolish not to make plans.

I think we are approaching one of those times.

The 2012 elections. 

Who are the Republicans going to nominate?  How much would you like to bet that it will be someone who will maintain the status quo in Washington?  Someone who won't rock the boat too much?  Someone who will do what his masters at the RNC tell him to do?  Someone who will continue to perpetuate the "Us vs Them" mentality that has gone on in Washington for years and has benefitted the politicians more than the people whom they were elected to serve?  Someone who will maintain the status of politicians as "Elites"?

I'm betting it will be Romney.  I'd put money on it.  I don't like Romney for President.  He has a proven track record and it isn't Conservative.  Romney is going to be the Republican Party's choice to run against obama or Clinton in 2012.  Another "Establishment Politician".  No change.  The fix is in.  He's the one.

Meet the new Boss.  He's the same as the old Boss.

How neat would it be to upset the applecart?  How neat would it be to elect someone who wasn't even on the ballot, but someone whom we believe would effect real change and make America America again?  Someone who unquestionably loves this country and whom we could be sure would work to do the right things to restore America to her former glory.  Someone who scares the crap out of establishment political machine Conservatives and Liberals alike.

You say it can't be done?  I say that it CAN be done, if only we have the courage and fortitude to do it.  It's never been done before?  So what?  It's our right and responsibility to elect the persons best capable of doing the job of leading this country.  We owe it to ourselves and to our children and to our children's children.  It is our obligation to the future of America. 

It's really the only choice that we have.  If we don't do it now, when will we do it?  If we don't do it now we may never have the chance to do it again.  We will never have the chance again.  We have slacked off and failed in our responsibilities in the past.  We have one chance to redeem ourselves.

Mediocrity breeds mediocrity.  The vast majority of today's politicians are barely mediocre.  Most of them aren't even that good.  America is mediocre.  Her people are mediocre.  The time is right to take a stand and to say "no more politics as usual".  This country deserves better than what we are being offered by those who would be our masters.  We deserve better.

We need to forget about obama and we need to forget about what the "establishment" politicians and their masters and handlers are doing.  We need to focus on the restoration of America.

We need to figure out who our candidates for President and Vice President need to be.

We need to exercise our right to vote for the people we want to lead us, regardless of who the RNC wants.  We need to exercise our right to write in our choices during the Primaries and during the General Election.  We need to spread the word and we need to start right now.

We need candidates who understand and believe in the Constitution as it is written and who are willing to govern based on the principles of the Constitution.  We need candidates who understand and believe in the Bill of Rights and who are willing to defend said BOR without compromise.

We need candidates whom we trust and who have a proven record of conservative values.  The same values that we have.

We need candidates who say what they mean and who mean what they say.

Who are these candidates?  We need to decide.  Quickly.  Personally, I think it's obvious, but what do I know?

You say it can't be done?  Ask Lisa Murkowski and the people of Alaska if it can be done.  If Strom Thurmond were still alive you could ask him if it could be done.  Say what you will about these two.  It doesn't matter if you agree with them or approve of them.  That isn't the point.  Both were elected to the U.S. Senate by The People as write in candidates.  It was the desire and will of The People that put them in office, not the desire and will of their party.

It CAN be done.

What say you, People?

Think.  Decide.  Act.

H/T to Borepatch for video link.

Stay safe.


  1. Excellent video, Borepatch!

  2. Ron Paul in 2008 and again in 2012. I'll vote for myself before another "politician."

  3. I'm thinking a Ron Paul/Sarah Palin ticket, myself.

  4. My mother was fond of telling me the story of the 300 which made me think of this.


  5. Lisa Murkowski stole that election. I spent several hours with Joe Miller and the illegal shenanigans that went on was breathtaking...

    Doing a write-in is the same as having a third party. It won't work under our system and will guarentee another 4 years of Obama.

    It's just a sad fact and doesn't make me happy. Mittens is a RINO and I agree with you - the fix is in.

  6. So who do you see that fits this "unconventional bill" on the presidential ticket? Cain? Paul? somebody else?

  7. I was somewhat encouraged with this piece yesterday from The Daily Bell.

    Ron Paul could be the Pat Buchanan of 2012


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.