19 October 2011

What I like...

Springfield XD-40s.  Yep, I like my XDs...

Gun show here in town this weekend.  Kinda lookin' for a revolver.  We'll see.

Stay safe.


  1. Seems like we've talked about this before, but if not. I wasted money on a number of different carry holsters for my Glocks 21 and 30, but ended up with the Ruger LCR in .357. Carry it in a RF pocket holster and it is there 100% of the time without a thought.


  2. Brock, i'm gonna look at the LCR. I do like the SP101.

    Perhaps a Raging Bull in .454 Casull?

    There was a gentleman at the last show I went to who had a very nice Colt Trooper in .357. Blue with a 4" barrel. Brand new, though it was manufactured in 1985. Beautiful gun! $750.00, which seems to be a fairly common price for that particular model and finish. I didn't want to spend that much. :)

    One of my co-workers recently received a Trooper from his mother's estate. He isn't into handguns. Deer hunter with bow and shotgun. I told him that if he wants to sell it, I might be interested.... ;)

  3. WP... Yes, plastic, but they sure do shoot nice :)

  4. The Glock Torture Test was what sold me. Glocks and AKs since they don't mind not being cleaned! I guess I get my aversion to this from four years in military school. Well, the last year I was the Bn. Adj. so got a sabre. That was the best deal of all. No more cleaning my M-1!:)

  5. My wife's cousin graduated from military school. Must've been in '68 or '69....

    I have a Glock 22 that has given me absolutely no problems. Looked at the 23 and 27 but bought the XD sub. to carry.


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