08 January 2012

Old photo...

This old photo brings a tear to my eye.

It's a rare photo of Ronald Reagan babysitting, ummmmm, well, he's babysitting someone in early 1962...

Stay safe.


  1. Anon...

    Hahah... Boy, that came out of nowhere.

    What the hell are you talking about, chickenshit?

  2. Hey! If that's a baboon he's babysitting Congress!!!

  3. Geez Blue, Looks like knuckledraggers troll stopped by to crap at my site then headed over to yours...

    They just don't when to stop throwing feces. :)

  4. Gotta love it, eh, Irish?

    The troll appears to be from an affluent suburb of D.C. that has a minority population about half that of the national average and about 1/10th that of D.C. itself...

    White Bread World...

    Weird, eh?

    And then she has the brass (or, more likely cowardice, hiding in her anonymity)to make wild assumptions about who is a "redneck racist fuck". (I've been called much worse and with much more flair and accuracy:)

    Is it any wonder this country is going down the crapper? :)

  5. I hear ya.. I guess "she" assumed that the chimp represented someone or something that she decided she didnt like....

    I personally thought it was funny!

    I mean how many people called Bush a


  6. You know what they say about ASSuming.... ;)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.