05 January 2012

What if...?

From Jared.

Revealed: The priest who changed the course of history ... by rescuing a drowning four-year-old Hitler from death in an icy river

  • Future Fuhrer was plucked from certain death by boy who grew up to join the church
  • German newspaper from 1894 reveals incident
By Allan Hall
Last updated at 12:16 AM on 6th January 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2082640/How-year-old-Adolf-Hitler-saved-certain-death--drowning-icy-river-rescued.html#ixzz1idYkCzcx

Imagine how different the world would be today if that rescue hadn't occured.  Of course, there could have been a different tyrant who was even worse than Herr Hitler and the world could be even worse.  You just never know, do you?

Stay safe.


  1. I have sometimes wondered the what if's? Everything is fate I guess and you just have to go with it.

    It's usually the 3-5 second rule I call it. Somebody will mention a fatal car accident and I think what if either party rolled over when the alarm went off, or did or didn;t stop for coffee, or stopped at the yellow light earlier rather than run it.

    Another one is the fact of who I am and how random it really is. The day I was conceived ( not really picturing my parents having sex) but what if my dad stopped for a drink or coffee on the way home, or my mother burned dinner and they went out, or she stopped to finish the laundry and everything changed for a few minutes. I wouldnt be here typing this long winded diatribe on your blog! HAHAHA

    Its all random and there is no ryhme or reason to it I guess.

  2. ...or everything follows a plan :)

    I think about the what ifs, too, much like you do.

    do you 'spose there are folks out there who never think, just accept?

    that would be much easier, but not nearly as enlightening.

  3. It's usually the 3-5 second rule I call it.

    I should have died many times in my life and your mention of the above reminds me of the time I drove from Northern Virginia to my military school reunion in Lewisburg, WVA in my '65 Hi Po at around midnight after consuming countless beers. At any rate, the divided highway had concrete bridges that went across it at fairly close intervals and I woke up at the bottom of the grassy section exactly between two which enabled me to get back on the highway before certain death. Indeed, a 3-5 second rule.

  4. When it time to go, it's time to go.

    It wasn't your time, Brock :)

  5. :) Heh.

    Then there was the time I ran out of air at around 80 feet chasing a large Sheephead in California with a bag full of scallops. Well, each time I kicked upwards, I would of course get a little more air to breath and finally there came the time that I said to myself that if I don't hit the top next time, I'm done, but no way in hell I was going to drop my bag of scallops to make it easier! Crazy!:) Anyway on the supposedly last kick I saw the surface and made it. Boy that was the sweetest intake of air I ever had!

  6. and you retained posession of the scallops :)

    priorities, my man. :)

  7. I went back to thinking about this in the middle of the night.. insomnia sometimes ;).

    Think about your family tree, 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 greatgrandparents, 16 greatgreatgrandparents, 32 greatgreatgreatgrandparents...etc. You see where this is going :)

    Now go back 10-20-30 generations. How many 3-5 seconds at any one time would have changed anyone of those people in making you, me etc. as the person we are sitting here today.

    Sheesh no wonder it was 4:30 am and I was staring at the alarm clock!

    As you say Blue and to you Brock,

    Stay Safe

  8. Thanks and here's another interesting one.

    On September 23, 1711, my 6X grandfather, his wife, and five of his six children were killed by the Tuscarora Indians at Core Creek, NC.

    There is no record as to why my 5th wasn't killed, but I'll guess he was hidden and those 3 to 5 more seconds they evidently didn't take allowed me to be here bothering all of you!:)

  9. @ Brock.. thats amazing you can go back and find all that info and the stories that go with it.

    It is amazing when you start to think about the what if's :)

  10. I forgot.

    thats amazing you can go back and find all that info and the stories that go with it.

    Their deaths might have gone unnoticed except for the fact that about 200 were killed and it was a Day of Remembrance in NC for 100 years. That and the fact that my fifth survived and was adopted by an obviously wonderful, kind man since when my 5th did die in his seventies he left about 8,000 acres and much else to his sons.

  11. Hey Blue,

    Will you be so kind as to grab me and Brock a couple more beers while we hang out on your blog?

  12. ...and can you rub my feet and draw the tub?

  13. I'm good with the beer and snacks, but rub your feet and draw your bath?

    Ummmmm, no...



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