23 February 2012

Not subject to change...

Makes sense to me.  But hey, what do I know?  I was just a Grunt.  :)

Next message:

Polls say obama has a 50% approval rating.

Blue says polls can say whatever the "pollsters" want them to say.  They can even, like in this case, "lie or mislead".  obama DOES NOT have a 50% approval rating.  There are a lot of stupid people in Amerika, but not that many.  Why would a pollster lie, you ask?  Well, it's really quite simple...  To prepare Amerika for the already pre-determined outcome of the 2012 elections.  He's a sneaky one, that obama.  A snake in the grass.  The folks that he surrounds himself with aren't any better.

Next message:

Gun show in town this weekend.  Yep, starts tomorrow night.  I think I'll go check things out.  Yes, I want a GP100.

Next message:

I wonder if the snakes in the grass in D.C. and around the country go to bed at night wondering what will happen when the citizens that still give a shit stand up and say "no more" and are serious about it?  Do you 'spose any of those snakes piss their pants thinking about it?

Who do you 'spose they have in mind to do their dirty work for them?  They certainly won't do it themselves, and the more I think about it, the more I doubt our military will do it for them.  At least not with the vigor and intensity required to be successful.  They have to think about that, don't they?  They have to wonder what will happen if they give the order and no one obeys.  Perhaps they'll recruit illegal aliens or muslims?  Arm the bruthas?  Who knows?

Next message:

It's snowing outside.  Temp is right at 32* F.  It will be in the mid 30s tomorrow and Saturday, upper 40s Sunday.  It won't "stick" around too long.  This has been the mildest winter that I can remember in quite awhile.  While not unheard of, it does occasionally happen that we get a winter like this.  I'm not complaining...

I took this picture about 5 minutes ago from our side door.  It's pretty nice outside.  If there were several more inches of snow it would be a great night for snowshoeing.


The world is a dangerous place.  It has never been as dangerous as it is today.  Methinks it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

Perhaps all the lovers of Liberty should move to Montana and Idaho?  (or Iowa and Illinois.  Maybe include Missouri and Arkansas.)  Kick all the Liberals out.  Confiscate their property and bank accounts and send them packing to Minnesota.  Naked.  In winter.  (Sorry Bob).  It could be called "The Free States of America".   Or something.

Perhaps it would be better if all the Liberals moved to, oh I don't know, New Mexico.  They could all get together and have unnatural sex with each other and build monuments to their non-God and tax the piss out of each other and build their Utopia there.  They could all tell each other that "It's OK, you were born that way" and believe it.  Maybe they'll live happily ever after.  But I doubt it.  Liberals are incapable of being happy.  They are also incapable of taking care of themselves.  And they would foul the area with excrement and would have no one to clean up after them.  Sounds like Utopia to me :)  I'd still suggest confiscating their property and bank accounts, though.

I think I'm in the process of trying to pass a kidney stone.  I'm in the "uncomfortable" stage right now.  Not to the "holy shit this hurts" stage yet.  I'm self diagnosing of course, and no, I've never done this before.  It could be an "out of uterus pregnancy", I guess.  Or not.  If it doesn't feel better in a week or two I'll go see my doctor.   The last time I had pain even remotely similar to this I did go to my doctor.  He sent me to another doctor who cut me open and removed parts.  I waited too long that time, too.  Whatever.

I can't go to the doctor at the first sign of a little bit of something possibly being amiss.  That's what normal people do.  I'm not normal.  Thank God.

Stay safe.


  1. Perhaps it would be better if all the Liberals moved to, oh I don't know, New Mexico. They could all get together and have unnatural sex with each other and build monuments to their non-God and tax the piss out of each other and build their Utopia there.

    A second here!:)

  2. If it was me you were apologizing to about Minnesota, I forgive you. In fact, I think it might be kind of a good idea, because they would have to try to mug somebody to get clothes and food and shelter, and they would get mugged back worse, and turn into conservatives.
    Because a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. :)

  3. Love them Rugers! Good luck with your stone or pregnancy! I take it whatever you pass you will name it Barrack?


  4. Brock... :)

    Bob, yes, it was you I was apologizing to.

    "Because a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. :)"

    That's good!

    China... I sure am hoping that I'm not pregnant! and yes, anything i "pass" is named obama. Just sayin ')

  5. I suggest you set up a webcam in your bedroom and bathroom so that you can capture all the mindbending unfuckingbelievable gutwrenching pain and grotesque bodily contortions you are going to display...It will be fun to watch with your friends after its all over just in case you don't have to have the stones exploded with ultrasound if they are to big to pass, then you can get to come home and pass all the pieces! Enjoy, woohoo!

  6. I'll vote for sending the libs to New Mexico- we have more than enough in MN and I'm sure trying to convince them that winters are too cold for their sorry azzes... I want to play in the snow all by myself.
    Wait... I already do! Drat! :\

  7. dhanna... you'd never believe how much i'm looking forward to it! :) it's gonna be an adventure!

    Shy... yeah, i re-thought the Minn-ee-soh-tah thing. couldn't do that to you guys. :)

  8. We really don't want their sorry asses in New Mexico, but hey, if I'm moving to Montana, what do I care?

  9. Cactus Jack... Sounds like a reasonable plan. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.