20 April 2012

Welcome on premises...

Stay safe.


  1. Post note: People have been asking how to get these signs. Hubby had his made locally for $35 + tax. He will have them make yours and send them to you if you pay for the sign, taxes, and shipping... They are quality metal signs...He can be reached at clvaught@northeasternsafetysupply.com

    He's in NC, Brock.

  2. That's some righteous Common Sense Gun Control, right there.

  3. This is grrrr--REAT ! ! !

    I copied this and posted it on my own web site, giving you full credit.

  4. I want one, no spare cash right this minute though. When I get some would there be an objection to me having my local guy make one? I have no objection to sending out the money, but I do try to keep it local, plus I don't know when I'm going to have the spare cash....

  5. If I still owned a business I would have one of those signs prominently displayed.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.