10 May 2012


Sadly, the new campaign slogan "Forward" being used today by obama's reelection campaign is far from original.  It's been used in the past.  The dark past.

I'm looking through some of my history books to find some other graphics relating to the use of the slogan "Forward".  I know that it was used on propaganda posters during the 30's and early war years by the Nazis, and I also seem to recall seeing it used by the Soviets, but can't remember the period.  I'd guess during the time of Stalin, though it may have been Lenin.  It seems to be a fairly common "rallying cry" for Communists throughout modern history.  I think its a "Progressive" thing.  I can't imagine the obama campaign wanting to be associated with these murderous Communist regimes of the past.

I know that his followers love the new slogan.

I have to give his campaign people the benefit of the doubt and say that they have no idea of the negative connotations from the past that the slogan "Forward" carries with it.  Personally, I think they are making a mistake.  Perhaps most Americans are too unfamiliar with history to recognize it.

I'm sure its just coincidence and that once someone points it out to them they will apologize for causing this offense and will then come up with something more appropriate to modern times.  They would never intentionally be this insensitive to the people of the earth who have been crushed by the people who have used this slogan in the past.

Ahhhh well.  I do realize that it must be difficult to come up with something original at this point in human existence.  It's all been used before.  Must make the designer's job hard :)

I'm waiting for the unicorn to start shitting Skittles.

Stay safe.


  1. I always associated it with Communism.

    I have to give his campaign people the benefit of the doubt and say that they have no idea of the negative connotations from the past that the slogan "Forward" carries with it.

    You are being facetious, I take it.:)

  2. And people say you can't tell when someone is being a smartass on the internet.

    You, Brock, are good! :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.