20 June 2012


I found this at the always astute Adrienne's blog this morning.  It's from her friend and fellow blogger Redneck.  Breaks it down into the simplest terms, I think.

"None of us can sit now and simply moan.  We need, as individuals, to either devote much time and effort to prayer, or if not prayerfully inclined, to devote time and effort to resistance.  There is no middle ground.  If you hope to keep your head down and wait this mess out, you are part of the problem, and a moral coward.  Get to work."

Kinda hard to argue with, eh?

Now get to work!

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Prayer? If you want to pray fine. Say your prayers and then resist. If all you are going to do is pray then stop pretending that you care.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.