15 November 2012

Try before you buy...

Stay safe.


  1. Ah but you see the current crop of sociopaths - I mean socialists - believe just like the previous crop, that they are some how magically smarter and that only they can make it work. Never mind that their greed and lust for power - which is what put them into the position to implement their version in the first place, was exactly what was the downfall of the previous crop. And thus the cycle continues...........

  2. Anon... You are far too kind. They ARE sociopaths.

    And the cycle of failure continues to continue... :)

  3. :)

    You have had some pretty darned good posts up, Brock. Keep it up!

  4. Six inches?
    SRSLY- that wall that kept an entire nation enslaved was only six inches thick?
    We could have, at any time used a backhoe to free millions of people- but we let *them* tell us what to do.

    Just like today.................

  5. Fuckin Beautiful man! Yet they still don't get it! The definition of insane trying something that can't possibly work over and over yet expecting it to work!


  6. The definition of insane trying something that can't possibly work over and over yet expecting it to work!

    But they'll do it right this time. Should only have to kill 50 million instead of 100, so it should all turn out fine.........


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.