24 January 2013

Hey Hillary...


Stay safe.


  1. So many of our "leaders" have a lot of baggage, eh? :)

  2. ...leaders? pfft, carpetbaggers. Vermin. Traitors. Buzzard bait.
    I don't think enough of those "leaders" to expend the effort to spit in their face.
    Mmmmm, perhaps I should have some more caffiene. ;) Mornin' Blue.
    Miss Violet

  3. At the local level public service is usually a selfless act to help the community. Up at the national level it's just a cash and power grab, Looks like they are stomping all over Commandments 1,2,8,9,and 10
    but what do I know
    Vaya con Dios Amigo's :)

  4. Millwright...

    Agreed. Some folks truly want to "serve", especially at the local level. I'm sure that there are some at the federal level, also, but they are few and far between.

    I think that the potential for corruption increases as the level of government increases. I also think that the ability to resist corruption decreases as individual power increases. The more powerful one becomes, the more opportunities for corruption...

    Sadly, I believe that its part of the human condition.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.