06 January 2013


From Shitbagster.

A bill introduced by Representative Jose' Serrano (D-15 NY) to repeal the 22nd Amendment... 

"...thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President."

See it here. 


Nothing to see here, Kiddies.  Move along.

I'm not surprised that someone would put this forward.  I can't believe it will get any traction, but the idea that someone would suggest it....

We are living in interesting times.

Stay safe.


  1. I think that doofus slings that stupid bill out every couple of years.

  2. Good morning, Sunshine...

    Doofus is a good description :)

    Congrats on the honors bestowed upon you over at Zilla's! :)

  3. No chance it'll even be brought up for a vote.

  4. "By any means necessary..." I don't think the power grab is going to be done through "legitimate" channels.

  5. I would have to agree with you.

    I hope folks are paying attention.

    It's gonna be a helluva ride!

  6. Oh, hellz no!....that's on the amendment story....as far as the worst...well, I happen to think Obama is just evil, all of the socialist/marxists gungrabbers walking in Hilter's shoes are useful, evil idiots.

  7. They tried the same thing the first time he won.

  8. Still, we need to keep our eyes open.

  9. obama seems to have a "work-around" for everything. The "trillion dollar coin" will circumvent Congress and eliminate any discussion on the debt ceiling in the future. When they have used that up, they'll just mint another... No one will complain.

    obama is already a dictator, if not in name, surely by his actions. Congress has been emasculated and rendered ineffective. He has driven the wedge between the many "sides" in this country to the point that meaningful dialogue is impossible between any groups of citizens at any level.

    There are elected members of the congress, and others who aren't elected, who are actively supporting him and actively helping to make this happen. I think it's important that we not forget the faces of those people...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.