18 March 2013

Out west...

Utah, to be exact.  The weather is nice, so far.  Snow in the forecast.

Stay safe.


  1. Kinda looks like Canmore Alberta.
    Love those moutains.

  2. Layton, Utah. It's a beautiful place.

  3. Nice place, nice picture!
    But puh-leez, if you get snow don't send any to Minnesota.
    But do tell Al Gore.

  4. Looks alot like my AO...enjoy the stay!

  5. Bob... I promise I won't send snow your way :)

    S. ... Met up with my aunt and uncle and 2 cousins tonight. It was good! :)

  6. Beautiful view. Such a welcome difference from what I see in suburbia. I would wager they were preparing for an uncertain future long before that was cool.

  7. it is beautiful country. If you get down south drop me a line. Lunch is on me.

  8. Anon... I like it!

    Six... Thanks! I will be here until the 28th but a lot of things going on here. (work. sucks, I know:) I'll be back out sometime in April. Perhaps May, too. We'll see :)

  9. Any time Blue. I can get free and head up to where you are if you get a free moment. Dinner/lunch on me. We can swap lies about how awesome we used to be :)

  10. Six... We'll get together on one of my next trips out here. I look forward to it!

    How awesome we used to be? LOL. Still are, Brother. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.