24 April 2013

Can't argue with that...

This quote pretty much says it all. It is one of my favorites and is used in our article found on the website (www.modernmusket.com). 

Mr. Levy knows a thing or two about the Constitution and the Second Amendment. He is the the chairman of @[26668999076:274:The Cato Institute] and was the organizer and financier behind District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court Case that established the Second Amendment as affirming an individual right to gun ownership.

Thank you Mr. Levy for your support and defense of the Second Amendment and the entire Constitution. -MM

Stay safe.


  1. The whole point of a militia is that it is NOT under government control...

  2. Exactly. How do you teach that to the ignorant masses?

  3. Can't teach folks who already know everything :(


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.