29 April 2013

Gun control... It just won't die...

From David P.

WASHINGTON — Talks to revive gun control legislation are quietly under way on Capitol Hill as a bipartisan group of senators seeks a way to bridge the differences that led to last week’s collapse of the most serious effort to overhaul the country’s gun laws in 20 years.
Drawing on the lessons from battles in the 1980s and ’90s over the Brady Bill, which failed in Congress several times before ultimately passing, gun control supporters believe they can prevail by working on a two-pronged strategy. First, they are identifying senators who might be willing to change their votes and support a background check system with fewer loopholes.
Second, they are looking to build a national campaign that would better harness overwhelming public support for universal background checks — which many national polls put at near 90 percent approval — to pressure lawmakers.
We all know that the meme "90% of all people polled nationally approve of expanded background checks"  is something that the obama administration created out of magic fairy dust.  It just isn't true.  It goes along with the other obama lie that states 82% of Americans want stronger gun control.
Ahhhh well...
Stay safe.

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