11 May 2013

Wishful thinking...

Click LIKE if Obama should be impeached for the Benghazi, Fast and Furious and IRS scandals

If only the Congress had a pair of balls...

Stay safe.


  1. Not now!!! The dems are in the majority in the Senate. Nothing will come of it. It will be another Clinton wrist slap.
    We need to win 2014 and then we can impeach and hopefully throw his sorry ass out of office.

  2. You're right. It will fade away just like the murder of Brian Terry with Fast and Furious firearms. It will be forgotten within a week or two.

    Do you think we can survive until 2014? That's another 20 months away...

  3. Pair hell, if they only had one...
    Miss Violet

  4. One would be more than the none they have now... :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.