02 July 2013


Stay safe.


  1. My mom and brother are Okies (don't tell my brother I said that, they moved to Texas when he small and he thinks he is a Texan) and I lived in Okla for a year. Good people, grounded in family, church, & country. I believe they were some of the first to legislate against Sharia law?
    Miss Violet

  2. Oh Miss V. ... This world has changed. I don't even know what to think about it anymore...

  3. I know. We both know there will be no "easy retirenment" years for us, don't we? Ah, well, what are you going to do? Praise the Lord and pass the ammo.
    Miss V

  4. Life isn't easy, Miss V. We'll be fine. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.