21 September 2013

Seriously. This is some funny shit...


Question is, why would you have spent your hard earned money at Starbucks, a company trying to play both sides of the 2A game?


  1. lol

    I don't go to starbucks anymore, they're overpriced and more often than not the customers are snobs. And the local donut shop has better apple fritters, anyway. :)

  2. Love me some apple fritters! :)

    It has been quite awhile since I gave Starbucks any of my money...

  3. And even after their letter the other day, the gun haters still want more. Of course there have been some on our side that have been assholes too. Everyone needs to leave Starbucks alone and let them sell their overpriced shitty tasting coffee to the young snob bunch. The best cup of coffee in DSM (IMNSHO) is the one I make right here in my kitchen.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.