06 November 2013


From David P.

 "Well, as I understand it, you can keep [your insurance plan] up to the time -- and I hope this is correct, but this is what I've been told -- up to the time the bill was enacted, and after that, it's a different story. I think that part of it, if true, was never made clear."  ~~Diane Feinstein


Yes, she is as stupid as she sounds.


  1. Oh, I think she's just blabbering to her constituency, hoping that they don't crucify her at the next election. They won't. The fact that they continue to send her back to D.C. time after time speaks volumes about them...

  2. There must be something wrong with the water in California; Pelosi, Feinstein, Waxman, Boxer and Waters with Moonbeam Brown for Govennor!!! What a gathering of idiots. (apologies to Wirecutter for he is not one of the moonbats)

  3. Fred... That is one hell of a list of fruitcakes.

    Kenny? He is "special" in his own quirky way... :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.