05 January 2014


Conservative Man's photo.



  1. Reminds me of the story about Einstein introducing his Special Theory of Relativity to an unbelieving audience of scientists. Finally one stood up and said, "Herr Einstein, we have agreed that you are crazy. We have also agreed that your theory is crazy. But we have not agreed whether it is crazy enough to be true."
    Thanks, Blue!!

  2. News Flash: there's been a war on money and jobs since the B.H.O. took office.

  3. Give us one reason why illegal drugs have been a benefit mankind.

    Please peddle your bumper sticker slogans to MoveOn.

  4. Anon... Who said illegal drugs have been a benefit to mankind? The statement in the picture is pure, unadulterated snark. :) Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. Blue:

    Cleary then you didn't mean what you wrote. For who could be against anything that would reduce illegal drugs?

    Sounds like Clinton defining "is".


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.