08 May 2014

And to think that obama won the Nobel Peace Prize...



  1. Coffee and a BJ from a red-headed supermodel would be a nice wake-up; thanks.

  2. President Bush was a great disappointment in the end. I voted for him twice. When I voted for him the second time, I was naively convinced, that as a "child of the Viet Nam era" he SURELY wouldn't have left office without finalizing the wars he started and leaving our troops at the mercy of BO. Against all the odds, I BELIVED he would have announced on his last month in office that the troops were coming home and that "Mission Accomplished" was mission accomplished. Boy, was I an idiot!

  3. MADDOG... I believe that a lot of people were disappointed in Bush II, for a lot of different reasons. If nothing else, he was certainly a lot more "presidential" than the clown we have now...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.