18 June 2014

Fight for free stuff...



  1. I love that poster. That would be a good one to blow up and put on the Walmart bulletin board...
    Miss Violet

  2. I can see that! I kinda like it!

    Hope you're doing well...

  3. To qualify for all the FREE Stuff one merely has to cross over the border to Mexico (probably Canada as well), then come back across in the middle of the night, with no identification, and turn yourself into the BP - they'll send you to some unsuspecting relatives. New Mexico was ahead of its time when Bill Richardson was govenor. There was a six lane highway to the north without a speed bump. When they say Roswell, where I lived, was Alien Country, it was refering to the 4000 undocumented aliens (paraites/invaders) who sucked services dry. The poster would be more appropiate if it said, "Work is for Suckers".

  4. MADDOG... Good points.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.