25 August 2014

If you don't like it, go back to where you came from...



  1. And take the illegal Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Mexicans with you!

  2. They are encouraged to stay since our Jihadist-in-Chief goes to their prayer breakfasts and religious events, but shuns the others. I do not remember a signature by a Muslim on the Constitution - yet our JiC says they help build this country. REALLY?

  3. Damn straight. You tell 'em preacher man. The sooner the religious leaders of this country start leading, beginning with quit preaching that total submission to tyrants is what the L*rd wants and denouncing Islam for the Evil it is, the better we will be. Us Contrary Ones, already get it, but the meek ones need to have permission. Give it to them, whatever it takes to get the job done.

    From the outrage I'm seeing on the Net and TV, especially from our Vets, about Isis' claims they are coming for us, those evil bastards just might be the catalyst that brings this country together. Hopefully if that happens, we clean the whole damn house and not just the muslim guestroom.

  4. And the Liberal media is unable to speak the words and say that ISIS is evil.

    I hope the good people of America are taking notes and remembering the things that are happening now...

    When I was in the Army I always had a notebook and pen on my person so that I could take notes. Old habits die hard. I still take notes ;)

    Hope you're doing well, Miss V.

  5. I am Blue, thank you for asking. I'm not wearin' a toe tag, so life must be good.;-)

    Hope you and yours are doing well also.

  6. Definitely good at this end ;)

  7. I especially enjoyed reading the prayer the pastor gave in the KS State House in their opening session. I cannot do it justice, but he basically said we have lost our way and detailed how we have lost our way - he was asking for Devine Guidance to help us overcome the present administration. Can't get anymore middle America than KS.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.