04 September 2014

Breaking News...


Not funny, I know...  Couldn't help myself ;)


  1. Yet...

    That's more of a strategy than they've actually put forward so far.

  2. True.

    I thought of you when I drove through Ames the other day...

  3. I'm waiting for them to behead a black kid with his hands up. That will bring action but of course we would loot our own stores in protest I guess.

  4. Sunnybrook Farm... Sadly, i believe you are correct. :(

  5. Unfortunately, that's been the mentality of State since LBJ, all in the interests of "dialouge", of course.

  6. Grog... I believe that a lot of the evil that we deal with in this country started with LBJ. Yep, that's what I believe.

  7. I agree with you, and the evil was intentional, as you already know. The benefits of the "great society"-that's a socalist label if there ever was one-such as "ending" discrimination were overshadowed by the many negative influences this "law" brought.

  8. Oh yes, the Great Society.

    I will bring Johnson up in conversation and most people have no idea who I'm talking about.

    So much blood on his hands. Johnson and obama could have come from the same seed...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.