21 September 2014

Tis the (lies and bullshit, election) season...


My neighbors about a block to the west.  These signs are all for Republicans, though Republican politicians will tell any lie needed in order to garner votes.  Just like a Democrat.

There isn't much difference between them.


  1. Democrats & Republicans...just the left and right wings of the new national bird -- the vulture.

  2. Totally agree. However, based on their habits, I would say more along the line of maggots or leaches.

  3. It's a good thing I don't live in Iowa any more.

    Florida politicians are honest, virtuous and noble!


    I can't even type it with a straight face.

  4. If you live in El Paso, TX, the politicos here go up to Chicago to attend seminars on how to get away with corruption and the fleecing of the tax payer. It's just amazing to me how they can LIE to your face while keeping their's "straight".

  5. We keep getting Gov. Braindead but I guess it could be worse. He's a p-poor driver but as Gov. he gets a super special state trooper driver. So we're all safer.

  6. Anon... Not a fan of Terry? :) Have you checked Dr. Lee Hieb?


  7. McThag... I'm sure you're right. LOL. :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.