12 October 2014

Better off...


The gubbmint says that unemployment is at the lowest levels since 2008.  Do you believe them?

Are you better off today than you were 6 years ago?


  1. "They" can say whatever they want. Pictures don't lie. If unemployment was so low, why is Detroit filled with unemployed people? Working people pay taxes. No workers + no tax revenues = today's / tomorrow's America. NO recovery has ever been this slow. If it was recovering, then the demo-rats would have a hard time keeping the dependents in line and voting their way.

  2. Exactly. If it were real they would be shouting it from the rooftops every minute of every day.

    More people have quit looking for jobs than ever before.

    Who would have ever thought that this would happen in America?


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.