28 October 2014

More Liberal logic...



  1. Reminds me of Doomsday Prepper episodes when these greying flower children are growing their herbs and organic foods. When asked how they will protect their gardens, they would answer,"We don't believe in guns. however, our neighbors said they would protect us and we'll share our food." It's so sad to see the future "walking dead" dictate their own epitath - "I'm buried (or was eaten)here because I didn't have a gun and trusted those who did to protect me."

  2. Linked back to you from Borepatch and gave you a shout.

  3. "I'm buried (or was eaten)here because I didn't have a gun and trusted those who did to protect me."

    Yup. That's the way it will go down.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.