04 November 2014

Genius, standing with obama...

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Is obama up for reelection today?  Kim seems to think so.


  1. This just illustrates the mentality and situational awareness of the individuals who vote in this country today. I'm sure if she votes she'll get upset because Hillary's name isn't on the ballot. Then someone is going to have to show her how to make an "X". Tomorrow, she may wake up and realize that it's not 2012 or 2016. And this is the generation to which the torch will passed. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

  2. Okay, I'm just going to say it, Kim is a twat and so is her president.

  3. No need to be polite, Miss V, you're in like minded company here. ;)

  4. You guys are right - I was, pardon the pun, "over intellectualizng" the personalities in this situation. Tweddle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.

  5. Hey, Kim. Reality check calling. I hope you have a flash of clarity and realize "your man" has just been soundly handed his ...Oh, well - you probably wouldn't understand. Cannot wait for your next air-headed tweet. You are the poster child for the depth of understanding and awareness celebrities have about the world and events around them. Kim, you proved our point. Thank you.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.