22 December 2014

It's a right...


Liberal logic. 


  1. And we all know from experience ...

    a vote in the hands of a progressive

    is far more dangerous than

    a gun in the hands of a conservative.

    in the NC woods

  2. Amen, Brother. :)

    I trust myself with guns :)

  3. Funny (not ha-ha). Whatever happened to those goons (The New Black Panthers) that were blocking that voting area some years ago. Holder didn't go after them. CITIZENS are harrassed but illegals / invaders / aliens are free to vote without hassle. Kind of like being stripped searched by the TSA pervs, while a muslim flies through security in a full length buka. WTF, Over?

  4. Holder (like so many others in this sham administration) is an arrogant piece of shit who is trying to derail the train known as America. What is scary? There were enough people to elect these completely unknown assclowns in '08. Scarier? Re-electing them in '12.

    It really is over :(


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.