01 January 2015

Still better than being called a Liberal...


1 comment:

  1. Recently I made a comment about the DeBlasio dust-up with the NYC cops. Said that if Soetoro offered me his hand to shake, I'd turn my back on him.

    Guy came back at me saying that I am an ignorant racist pervert for disrespecting our PotUS that way.

    "Ignorant"? "Pervert"? Didn't get it.

    Told him that opposing an alien, un-American, socialist pretender doesn't make me a pervert or a racist; it makes me a patriot.

    As for "ignorant" and "pervert," I said that simply having a different opinion from yours doesn't make the other person wrong or you right.

    He genuinely believes that Soetoro is trying to do a good job but that obstructionist conservatives are blocking him in trying to do what he promised -- "fundamentally transform the nation."

    JHFC! I don't know whether to laugh at him or pity him . . . or both.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.