14 February 2015

It ain't happenin'...


  1. Of course they're not going to anything. Both sides of the aisle are getting rich on our backs. Keep flying under the radar (and Happy V Day to you and yours.)

  2. Explain why I should bother to go vote for any of them next time, they have lost me and will have to earn my vote back.

  3. The Democrats and the Republicans are two sides of the same party, owned by the same masters. America is afraid to step up and demand a multi-party system!

  4. The veterans should take over, or at least forward their own party. They paid for the RIGHT to be represented. However, they are a minority in a population who didn't fight.

  5. less than 1% of the population serves at any given time. Approximately 10% are vets.

    That makes me sad.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.