18 February 2015

Things I trust more than obama...



  1. That picture is the best one that shows how empty obozo's eyes are. Which is good and terrible.

    Anyway, what did bigfoot do to get listed with obozo? walk around? that's just not right. ;)

  2. Bigfoot. You're right. I respect Bigfoot more... :)

  3. Reminds me of when I was a kid and saw photos of Hitler and wondered what kind of people would make someone like that their leader and how their country ended up in ruins.

  4. Sunnybrook Farm... Same here. It was so blatantly obvious to me that Hitler was evil. It had to be obvious to the German people. How could such an evil person be in control of a nation and it's people be seemingly unaware? Could that be real> ;)

  5. The words "trust" and "obama" shouldn't be in the same sentence. They are the epitomy of opposites.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.