07 April 2015

Both to blame...


That's the way uh-huh uh-huh they like it...


  1. Libertarian Party or any other 3rd party alternative is looking pretty, pretty good right now. "They" say you're wasting your vote - how is that? When I vote with my consious, that's not a waste. Maybe, if enough voted for a 3rd party, it would illustrat that many people are fed up with both establishments. This could lead to a "Veteran's Party" or a viable Tea Party. One can dream.

  2. I think Americans are afraid of anything different than what they have now.

    I think they are afraid or "what could be" because they have no idea how good they could make it.

    I like to say that the Ds and the Rs are 2 halves of the same party and Americans are afraid of going back to a two party system...

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo

    It's our fault as much as the people we elected.

  4. Thanks, McThag. I agree. We elected them and keep reelecting them. We don't spank them when they are naughty. Our bad.

    I guess we can't be trusted to do it right! :)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.