14 April 2015

Tired of liars...



  1. REALLY? Take your own advice, B--ch! And THIS could be our next POTUS? Incredible. No moral compass or integrity!! Where's my passport? Not another 8 years?!

  2. Her picture is next to the word "Evil" in the dictionary! As in, "the epitome of...."

  3. Mr Fowler - EXACTLY. (Found my passport - let the exodus begin until a stake is driven through the Evil Queen's heart!) It's not only her but the legions of idiots who would support her!

  4. Look at WHY she was fired from Watergate by her boss Jerry Zeifman. She has had decades to perfect her 'art'.

  5. And now the Hildabeast vows to take on those evil, rich , CEO's... While starting what is projected to be a 2.4 Billion dollar campaign. Liar= Bad, hypocrite..Even worse


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.