04 May 2015

Black Lives Matter. It's a great slogan, but not much more...

Good article.  Read it, if you'd like...


"This has absolutely nothing at all to do with race, but everything to do with socialistic entitlement thinking and the demand these people have for their greatest desires to be fulfilled."


All lives should matter.

Look at it any way you wish, the Liberals have created the environment that blacks live in today.  I guess that is OK.  Self-determination, and all...

Have you read anything about the state of America today on any of the Lib sites?  They blame the Right.  And they truly believe that they are correct in saying Conservatives are evil.  Different perspectives, I guess.

It is your life, your situation.  You are responsible for it.  Unless you give it over to government.  For free shit.  Or something.  Once you have given up your right to self-determination you get what you are given.  It is what you asked for.  It is what you wanted.  Free shit.  You no longer have a legitimate voice.

Happy Monday.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.