08 July 2015

Hillary 2016...


Not sure of the charges.  I'm sure there is something :)


  1. I'm pretty sure that someone could come up with the charges. :) I am afraid that too many of my gender will vote for her simply because she is a woman. If she is elected, I fear it is all over except for the crying.

  2. I'd cross out the 2016 and write NOW in big red letters. But then again my HOA would have a major cow should I put it in my yard.

  3. Apologies for being off topic, but this important.
    Please pass it on.

    Memphis City Council Unanimously Approves Removal of Nathan Bedford Forrest Remains from Municipal Park - http://cubiclane.com/memphis-city-council-nathan-forrest-menphis-city-council-unanimously-approves-removal-of-nathan-bedford-forrest-remains-from-municipal-park-30168/

    Council Committee Agrees On Relocating Forrest Statue and Remains - http://www.memphisflyer.com/NewsBlog/archives/2015/07/07/council-committee-agrees-on-relocating-forrest-statue-and-remains

    Memphis City Council Votes To Remove Confederate General's Remains - http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/memphis-nathan-bedford-forrest-remains

    Yesterday at this time, I would not have been able to definitively answer
    these questions.
    However, today without hesitation, if asked will I be back in
    school working on my medical degree this fall, my answer would
    have been "yes."
    If asked if I believed I would be in a shooting war inside our Republic,
    my answer would be "not likely."
    If asked if I believed that most likely, by year's end, would
    I die violently in combat against the armed jackboots of
    the communist dictatorship ruling America, again, my answer
    would be "not likely."
    By no means am I naive, but I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS UNHOLY
    What the fuck?!
    It is not my AO, but war it is then.

  4. Cav Med... It's here for the world to see.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.