23 September 2015

I just smile...



  1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/09/23/congressman-wants-proof-standards-werent-fudged-female-ranger-school-participants/72669298/

  2. Good luck with that...

    They passed a "leadership course". Can't take that away from them.

    They were selected for this course a long time ago and had plenty of time to prepare. They recycled until they "passed".

    They won't be going to a Ranger Batt.

    I hate to see their names on the Ranger Scroll with an asterik beside them, but hey... ;)

  3. "One female soldier from that group is still in Ranger School; the Army announced last week that she would recycle the Swamp Phase, which is the school's third and final phase."

    That sentence right there says a lot, David. :)

  4. Wel said. Thanks.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.