26 October 2015

Simple question...


Oh, hell no...  They won't even accept fellow Muslims.


  1. Lepanto. 1683 Vienna. Battle of Tours. These and many other battles throughout Europe are apparently in vain because current day political 'leaders' allow, nay, invite, the invaders to flood into their countries.

    There needs to be executions in the streets. I'm not kidding. These so-called leaders in Europe must be held to bear the consequences of their actions.

    Here again we see a perfect example of why the founding fathers of the United States of America saw the great need to put the people superior to any other institution. 7 institutions mentioned in the US Constitution, the people is mentioned first and is superior to all others.

    P.S. Could someone tell Clayton to lower his shield. I have neither Google or FB account but would like to comment to him. Just transmitting in the blind, as it were.

  2. Sunwolf... Thanks for the links. These articles describe the same behavior by the "Immigrants" that that my German friends are describing to me. The Leftists in Europe are the same as the Leftists here in America. They are the Useful Idiots who proclaim loudly that "not all Muslims are bad". Well, that may be true, but the bad are coming in with the good. It all seems like fiction. A new world order? One world government? The "civilized" western societies being infiltrated and taken over by savages? Crazy, no? ;) It is happening. There are already too many "refugees" in "western" societies around Europe and in the US to identify and remove. It has become a cancer that cannot be cured. It is hard to believe that we were so easily swayed to voluntarily give up our culture and accept the unacceptable. To tolerate the intolerable. In the end, it will be the Leftists that advocated for this takeover who will be pointing fingers of blame at those who did not. It's the way they work. They don't think, but are quick to blame... We are living in interesting times.

  3. Anon... Thank you for your comments. You are exactly right. Sadly, the Left no longer cares about the history and the Constitution of the United States. In their twisted minds they truly believe that their plan to destroy her is a plan to rebuild. They are too quick to throw out our culture and become one with the world. "They know not what they do." I can almost guarantee that they are not going to like what we end up with. ;)


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.