27 June 2016

All we have to do is stand up...


Yup.  But we won't.  Not yet.  Not until it effects us personally.  Individually.  Then it will be too late.  :)  Human nature, I think.  Nah.  Conditioning.  Conditioned to believe in and to follow the rules.  

We will have a few more "One Man Uprisings".  No one will follow.  Again.

But remember this:  The opposition doesn't follow the rules.  Not the same rules, anyway...


  1. I wouldn't take that bet.

  2. if past history has already shown, anybody whom rebels is condemned to death by others sharing their common grounds

    very obedient sheeple


  3. It takes just one person to stand up against the tyrants. A man or woman of principles. Unfortunately, the truth is not always recognized, and the brave soul who dares to defy popularity is usually publically crushed/hung by the liars/believers. Currently, we are in extremely dangerous and rough waters. Be prepared for UGLY! In the end, principles over-rides popularity, the truth always comes out, light will defeat darkness.

  4. To Gleason's point...LaVoy Finnicum couldn't be reached for comment...

  5. LaVoy is who I had in mind when I mentioned "one man uprisings". Ah well.

  6. Ruby Ridge in Idaho was another case in point.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.