24 January 2017

All you bitches...


They were in California.  Or something. 


  1. Blue,
    Can't view this graphic till you log into AOL! AOL. I thought they went tits up years ago. I had an AOL account in the early '90s after getting my start in social computing with the local "bulletin boards in Tucson. On them, you would go to the site, read, comment, log off and go away till the next guy commented. I think it was only one at a time on the site (give a wore out ol' bubba some slack) but there was no chatting. Conversations moved at the speed of a glacier. AOL was the peanut butter and jelly that make using the stale bread of a 900baud modem worth using socially.

  2. Not sure if that helps or not... I downloaded it to my desktop then reloaded it here...


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.