13 January 2017

Just another week...

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  1. can't hold the swearing in earlier?

    another week of this dangerous bozo?



  2. Nahhhh. obama still has a few things to do... He isn't done yet. ;)

  3. I wonder if he will circle the bowl or just go?

  4. May God Bless America at exactly 12:00 PM, EST, 20 January, 2017. We will need all the blessings we can get on that day and beyond. The Commies are coming, hell, they are already here.

  5. In the case of libtard women (or whatever they want to be recognized as) the following is true: European women are taught to be women. In America they are taught to be bitches. But, Big Mike aside, demonstrators in the streets can be a good thing. It's like GEN Eisenhower said about the German breakout in the Ardennes (1944) - Now we know where they are so we can destroy 'em. In our case - keep those cameras rolling. We may need those pictures later.


Sorry about the word verification. I've had enough of the fucking spammers.